Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pole Vaulting

"Listen, I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm going to the store...."

(At the store...)

"Do you want a bag for that?"

"Uh, yes, I do. Who is that?" (A picture of a smiling woman holding flowers and a medal and waving to crowds of people is taped to the register. A caption states that she won the silver medal at the World Championships in pole vaulting...)

"That's the owner's daughter."

"Oh, really? Cool. That's cool."

(In his car on the way back home he thinks to himself, because conversations can happen inside your head too...)

"That's what this little town is like. Magic is constantly happening. Kids grow up and spring out of this little town like arrows and land where they may. Some bring honor and awe to their humble roots. This is the town where so and so came from. Everyone is from somewhere."

(He repeated this phrase over and over to himself until he got home...)

"So, are you trying to say the entertained can never be the entertainers? Because I just went to the store and saw stuff and thought about stuff to the point where if I wrote it down I'll be a famous writer probably."

"Yeah, problem is, you'll never write it down..."

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